Thursday 14 March 2019

Do you know? According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention- Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. for men and women – responsible for 1 in every 4 deaths.

Heart disease (cardiovascular disease), refers to various conditions relating to the heart. The most common cause is coronary artery disease, which refers to a buildup of plaque in the arteries. Over time, it can lead to narrowing of arteries and risk of a heart attack. “A heart attack is when part of the heart muscle dies because it is deprived of blood flow or oxygen. And this can occur because it’s a blockage due to a blood clot or plaque, or it can be due to the heart having to work really, really hard that outstrips the oxygen supply.”

Know your cholesterol and blood pressure numbers, exercise, and maintain a normal weight. These are all ways to help reduce your risk of heart disease.

If you are a researcher in Cardiology and your research is on heart diseases, abnormal heart rhythms, heart failure, high blood pressure, hypertension, and some rarer conditions submit you’re abstract at

Present your research presentation @ Cardiologists Congress 2019 at Osaka, Japan on July 10-11, 2019 

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